The autopsy of María Fernanda Sánchez in Berlin will take eight weeks

Last Saturday, a brief statement released at 8:15 p.m. by the Berlin police via Twitter buried forever the illusions of the Latin American communit...

August 10, 2023
4:58 AM

Last Saturday, a brief statement released at 8:15 p.m. by the Berlin police via Twitter buried forever the illusions of the Latin American community in Berlin and of the parents of María Fernanda Sánchez Castañeda of finding the young woman safe. 24-year-old Mexican, who mysteriously disappeared from her home on July 22. 'The missing person was found dead by a passerby on the Teltow canal in Adlershof this afternoon. According to current knowledge, no third party fault can be assumed. Our Kripo [policía criminal] is investigating,' the police statement said.